Invention Ideas for Kids

Invention Ideas for Kids

Celebrate  this month–challenge the children to come up with unique and useful inventions!

  1. Open up your recycled supply area and provide materials such as- pieces of wood, used CD’s, milk containers, straws, tape, pipe cleaners, paper clips, yarn, string, paper, glue, poster paint, markers, crayons, elastic, fabric scraps, construction paper, pom-poms, rubber bands and safety pins.
  2. Children can work individually or in small groups; Give them plenty of time to brainstorm ideas. Challenge children to come up with unique,  creative, and useful items.
  3. The kids may need more than one day to complete their projects; however, when complete- share the inventions with the group.
  • What is it?
  • What does it do?
  • What materials are used to make it?
  1. SHARE IT…This is an activity that takes time and thought. Honor the children’s work by inviting parents and visitors to view the display. A written description of each “invention” would also be a good idea.

This would be a nice “sharing with families time”; it could be held through-out the program afternoon or as social time after the program ends. Add punch and cookies and have a social event…

If awards are given out, be sure that each child or group receives one–the most unique, smallest, largest, useful, fun, amusing, original, helpful, practical, handy, amusing, entertaining, most materials used, least materials used, colorful, heaviest, lightest, etc. (Look up synonyms for descriptive words)



Put identical items in paper bags. Challenge the children to see what unique creations they can come up with. Items to include could be things such as: pipe cleaners, old cds, string, tape, paper clips, rubber band, etc. Children can work on there ‘creation’ individually or in pairs.


Kids Invent Stuff

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