stART: Mixed Up Chameleon

Introduce the lesson by reading The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle. Except for catching flies and changing colors occasionally, this chameleon doesn’t find life very exciting. When a surprise visit to the zoo makes this wistful lizard realize it can change its shape and size as easily as its color, it ends up wanting to be like all the animals in the zoo at once–with hilarious results. Point out the way that the chameleon changes and the colors that he turns.


The students will gain knowledge about various colors, shapes and their environment.

This project can be altered to adapt to a variety of developmental ranges.

They will create their own challenging questions and colors/shapes to find.

Encourage students to explore their feelings into a color or shape just like the chameleon in the story.


Create clear chameleons by placing two sheets of contact paper together. Tape a popsicle stick to the bottom of the clear chameleon for a handle. Also create a variety of colors and shapes for the students to find using large sheets of construction paper. Having multiple sheets of one color or shape will be beneficial.




After making the clear chameleons, and the places for them to find, spread the sheets of construction paper around the room and ask the children questions such as ‘Can you make your chameleon purple?’ The students will proceed to find sheets of paper that are purple. You can also have the students make their chameleon into shapes or into patterns (striped or polka-dotted). Once they have heard your questions, let them create their own questions to make the chameleon into different colors, shapes or patterns. Let the students explore; they can also be encouraged to use the room and environment for ideas.


In The Mixed Up Chameleon, the chameleon changes color when it’s feelings change. As the students make their chameleon different colors, shapes, or patterns, ask them how their chameleon is feeling when it is that color, shape or pattern. This lesson can be extended as far as your students’ imaginations will go. It can be adapted to a wide range of abilities by simply asking easier or more advanced questions.

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