Thanksgiving Games

1. Play a Matching Game – Print thanksgiving pictures such as: pilgrims, Indians, fish, corn, a papoose, dog and pony. Glue them onto cards and play a match game with them.


2. Play a toss game – Make eight of the teepee place holders shown above and mark them with numbers, 5 points, 10 points, etc. Make rings from pipe cleaners. Have the children throw the rings over the teepees to score points.


3. Play Pin the Tail on the Turkey – Draw a turkey without feathers. Cut out feathers from construction paper. Place double sided tape on the feathers and have the children try to tape them onto the turkey blindfolded.


4. Play a bean bag game – Make no-sew pumpkin bean bags. Just glue them together and then decorate them on the outside. Draw a Thanksgiving theme picture on cardboard and cut holes in it. Children can throw their bean bags at the picture and try to get them through the holes.


5. Fishing Game – Children fish for items they can put into a cornucopia like pictures of apples, corn on the cob, little pumpkins, grapes, etc. Attach a paper clip to the end of the line for a hook so the item cab be attached (and removed) easily. As they lower their line on a pole over a wall, (or some kind of poster board) a person on the other side attaches a picture to the hook. Then the lucky fisherman can place their prize in the cornucopia.


6. Unscramble the Words – (For older kids) Write words related to Thanksgiving such as: pilgrim, turkey, and feast on cards with the letters all jumbled up. The kids try to unscramble the words. Or they can match the scrambled words to the correct counterparts on a list.


7. Write the word THANKSGIVING on the board and see how many words you can make out of it in a 5-minute relay race.

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