Pine Needle Sachet

Pine needles have a wonderful fragrance. Bring this natural perfume indoors with a sachet.

pine sachetNewspaper
5 x 10” piece of unbleached muslin
Green Acrylic Paint
Paintbrush, paper plate to use as a palette, paper towel and container of water
Freshly gathered pine needles (some fresh, some dried)
Straight pins
Brown Thread
Sewing Needle

Cover your workspace with newspaper. Then lay your muslin out flat. Squeeze a little paint onto your palette. Lightly pain the side of the pinecone, then press it onto the fabric like a stamp. Continue stamping to create a design on your fabric. Reapply paint to your cone as necessary. Allow the fabric to dry completely. Gather your pine needles. You will need about 2 cups per sachet. Fold in the long edges of the muslin about a half inch on the back side of the fabric. Then fold the entire piece in half. Pin the folded edges close on each side to make a pocket shape with an opening at the top. Starting on one long side next to the open side, sew a blanket stich around the edges to hold them closed. Repeat across the folded bottom and up the second long side. If you still have thread in your needle, leave it there for now. Remove the pins as you sew. Fill the pocket from the top with pine needles until it is full and firm. Fold in the top edges of the fabric about a half inch and pin the sachet closed. Continue the blanket stich across the top to hold the needles in. Remove pins and cut any hanging threads.

You could repeat using another color of paint, then tie two together with some ribbon, attach a pretty tag and give the stack as a gift.

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