Summer Time First Aid

Don’t hit the beach, pool or park without these summer safety staples.


Spray bottle of water
Antibiotic Ointment (polysporin)
Rubbing alcohol (if child gets splinter or steps on a nail)
Tweezers (pulling splinters, removing ticks)
Hydrocortizone Cream & Benadryl (bug bites and bee stings)

Summer lets kids splash and play all day, but those good times also up the chances of getting hurt: Forty-two percent of accidental injuries in children occur from May to August, according to Safe Kids Worldwide (SKW), an organization dedicated to preventing accidental injury to kids. “Children are more active in the summer and have less supervision, which may be why we see more accidents,” says Martin Eichelberger, M.D., a pediatric trauma surgeon and chairman of SKW. Here’s what to do when your tot gets a boo-boo.

Cuts, scrapes, and nosebleeds

What to do: Using a clean cloth, apply direct pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. Flush the wound with water to remove any dirt or debris, apply antibiotic ointment, and dress with gauze pads held in place by medical tape — or cover with a plastic bandage. If your child has a nosebleed, sit her upright and have her tilt her head forward — not back, which could cause her to choke on the blood. Gently but firmly pinch her nose (just under the bony ridge) with a towel for 20 minutes to stop the bleeding. Avoid checking every few minutes to see if the bleeding has stopped; you could dislodge the fresh clot that’s forming and cause the bleeding to resume.

When to see a doctor: If there’s a deep puncture, don’t attempt to clean the wound. Simply wrap it in a clean cloth and call your doctor. Also head to the doctor right away if there are objects deeply embedded in the wound or if the gash is on the foot, since injuries there tend to get infected more easily. Other reasons to seek immediate care: the bleeding does not slow within 15 minutes (the cut may require stitches); the wound shows signs of infection such as swelling or fluid leakage; or the injury has damaged nerves or a tendon (your child cannot move her finger, for example). Also, consult a doc any time your child has been bitten by an animal.

Sprains and broken bones

What to do: If your child broke a bone, he may not be able to move that part of his body without pain. If he can move the injured limb or joint, he’s probably suffered a sprain or strain, in which case you should wrap the ankle or wrist tightly in an elastic bandage or rolled gauze to compress the swelling. Be careful not to wrap the gauze too tightly, as it may impair circulation. Apply a cold compress to the area — 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off — for four to six hours, and elevate the sprain by propping it up on some pillows to stop the swelling and pain. Don’t allow your child to walk on the sprain for at least 48 hours; activity can delay healing.

When to see a doctor: If your child cannot stand, complains of tingling or numbness, or his foot or ankle is swollen or discolored, he could have a broken bone or a more serious sprain. Keep his weight off the injury and visit the ER immediately.

Head injuries

What to do: If there’s any bleeding, apply direct pressure until it stops. The exception: Avoid putting pressure on her eye. To reduce swelling, alternate 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, with a cold compress for four to six hours.

When to see a doctor: If your child is disoriented, unresponsive, has a headache, can’t walk steadily or stand up straight, is vomiting, has neck pain, or has difficulty moving limbs, she could have a concussion or a more serious injury. If she has suffered an eye injury and has decreased vision, pain when moving her eye, or fluid leakage, head to the doctor. And see a doctor or a dentist immediately if a permanent tooth — not a baby tooth, which is temporary anyway — was knocked out. If you can find the tooth, rinse it in water, place it in a glass of milk to prevent decay, and bring it with you.

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