National Tell a Joke Day

Let’s get serious now. We are not kidding. Today is National Tell a Joke Day. We hope your day is filled with chuckles and laughs.


No doubt about it. Today will be a fun-filled day, with lots of laughter. To fully participate and enjoy this day, just tell some jokes. You can do it in person, or pass along a few humorous emails. That’s easy enough to do. The more jokes you tell, the more fun this day will be. We also encourage you to listen to many jokes today. Everybody is getting into the act, and in order to “tell a joke”, someone has to be present to “listen to a joke”.



Q: What did the man who lost his left side say?

A: I’m all right now!


Q: What is the difference between Bird Flu and Swine Flu?

A: For bird flu you need tweetment and for swine flu you need oinkment.


Q: What is the longest word?

A: Smiles; because it has a mile in between.


Q: What goes up when the rain comes down?

A: An Umbrella.


Q:  How do you know the ocean is friendly?

A: It gives out BIG waves!


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