Learn the Alphabet Arts and Crafts – P

The letter P is a dependable letter.  It usually makes the “puh” sound as in pan.  This is especially the case when the letter P is not partnered with another consonant

P is silent when followed by the consonant s, t, or n at the beginning of a word (as in psychic).

Also, when combined with the letter “h”, the grapheme ph is formed which sounds like “f”  (as in physical)


1. Present a capitol and lower case P to your child.  See if she knows the name of the letter and the sound it makes.  Give examples of P words, such as popsicle, paper and pencil.  Have her pretend to be popcorn – saying p-p-p-POP.  See if she can list other words that start with P.


2. Read Pete’s a Pizza


3. Go on a scavenger hunt around the house to find items that start with P for the P bag this week.  You might find potato, popcorn, puppet, pumpkin, pizza, pencil, plum, pinwheel, pig, pain, plant, etc


4. Create a P collage.  Have your child search through magazines for P words, and glue them to paper for his alphabet book.


5.  Painted P’s.  Provide a cut out P, taped to wax paper for easy cleanup.  Have your child paint the P with pink and purple paint.  When dry, glue to a sheet of 8.5 x 11” paper for their alphabet book.


6. Provide a worksheet with a line of P’s to trace across the top and a blank spot below, a 6” circle of tan construction paper, 5 inch circle of red construction paper, 1 inch pieces of white yarn and glue.  Glue the red circle in the middle of the tan one, and then glue it to his sheet.  Have him top the pizza by gluing on cheese yarn.


7. Other activities:  Have P snacks – Popcorn, peas, pudding, peanuts and pizza; make potato prints;  taste potatoes cooked a variety of ways – baked, fried, mashed, and chip.  Order them from favorite to least favorite; Make puppets and put on a play; visit a puppy at a local pet store;


Pudding cups
Pink or purple-colored snacks
Pumpkin-flavored snacks
Peanut Butter and crackers or pretzel dippers or apple slices
Pinwheel Sanwiches
Peppermint Crunch Mix Peppermint Crunch Mix
Pumpkin Pie Dip with graham crackers

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