When Inclement Weather Keeps You Inside

Inclement weather is either upon us, or it’s coming and why not be prepared with a few activities that your children are sure to love!indoor roadway with painter’s tape and a sharpie. Perfect compliment to matchbox cars.

1. Make an


2. Construct an indoor obstacle course with pillows, hampers, and a broom

3. Scavenger hunt – no need to get too detailed with this one. Hide some similar objects around the house and go hunting for them. Create simple clues-verbal or written.

4. Movie Madness Party – Allow Your kids to choose 2 or more movies and do it up movie style, complete with tickets and popcorn. Make it a “drive-in” by decorating a cardboard box like a car!

5. Board Game Bonanza! Gather several board games and hold a tournament series (best 2 out of 3) .

6. Little Artist: spread butcher paper on the kitchen floor, add some crayons and let them go to town. Hang the masterpiece up to admire all day long!

7. Dramatic play: kitchen, store, post office, restaurant, beauty shop…the possibilities are endless.

8. Have the ultimate book reading session! No limit. Just. Pure. Books.

9. Make a snow/rainy day fun box (fill it with crafty stuff for an impromptu collage).

10. Play hide and seek with stuffed animals.

11. Make an indoor fort or hideaway in a secret space.


12. If it’s raining, make a rain catcher and set it out! At the end of the day, record your findings.

13. Hold a dance party.

14. Make a family video time capsule to watch on the next indoor play day

15. Act out a favorite children’s book together.

16. Have a storytelling session. Let each child contribute to the storyline. Ask “What comes next?”

17. Hold an indoor picnic for mealtime.

18. Have a “Fashion Show”.

19. Indoor “Fire Drills” Set the timer to go off and run around the house 5 times. Just like the ones you do outside the car. It’s just about being silly together in a confined space!

20. Write letters/draw a picture for far away relatives/pen pals.


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