National Mustard Day

532px-Senf-Variationen_edit2National Mustard Day celebrates the “King of the Condiments”.  This special day was created by the National Mustard Museum in Mount Horeb, Wi. It was created as an annual event in 1991.  It’s held on the first Saturday in August, and includes live music, parades, mustard games, free hot dogs (only with mustard!) and many other activities.


Mustard is a must have for hot dogs, sausages, and a wide range of sandwiches. Its an important ingredient in many recipes, too.


When it comes to condiments, Mustard is among the most popular. When it comes to longevity, mustard is unrivaled. It has literally been in use to spice up meals for thousands of years. To retain it’s status, mustard has not stood still. Rather, it has diversified. It’s not just yellow anymore. There’s a growing selection, including Honey Mustard, Bold and Spicy, Sharp and Creamy, and of course Dijon Mustard. Take a trip to your refrigerator, and you will  probably find two or three different types of mustard. A trip to the grocery store, will reveal even more selections.


This holiday is for honoring and enjoying the great flavor of mustard! Todays the day to make all those dishes that include mustard as one of it’s ingredients. Get out those hot dogs and don’t forget the yellow mustard now. Let today be the day you share everything mustard with your friends and family with a mustard party.


Make Your Own Mustard


Use dried mustard seeds. There are a variety of seeds. White, or yellow seeds make a yellow mustard. Brown seeds make a stronger, more pungent brown mustard. Place seeds and a small amount of water or vinegar into a blender. Avoid using too much liquid, or it will be runny. You can also use almost any liquid, including wine or even beer.  Run blender until the mixture is smooth.  Store mustard in the refrigerator.

Tip: Experiment and create your own mustard flavor. Add tiny amounts of other spices before processing. Salt, black pepper, and honey are popular choices. For some zip, add a little (very little) Jalapeno peppers.


How to Grow Mustard


People have been using mustard as greens, and to spice up their food for thousands of years. Its known as the “King of the Condiments”.  Home gardeners love this easy, fast growing cool weather crop. The leaves are great raw, in salads, or as a cooked greens. They are nutritious, and healthy for you and your family. The seeds are harvested to make the condiment that you use on hotdogs, sandwiches, and more.


Sow mustard seeds 1/4 to 1/3 inch deep, and 3″ apart. Thin seedlings to 5″ – 9″ apart. Separate the rows, 1 foot apart.  Sow seeds early in the spring and a second crop in the early fall. They prefer cool weather, so leave the middle of the summer for the heat loving vegetables.  Maturity: 45-50 days  Mustard plants grow well in most good garden soils. They prefer full sun and cool weather. Planting successive small crops, separated about a week apart, results in a continuous supply of greens.   Mustard plants should be grown quickly. Use plenty of water, and ample amounts of fertilizer, to promote fast growth of tender, green leaves. Water plants during dry periods.  Keep the plants well weeded, so weeds do not compete for water and nutrients. It makes harvesting easier, too.   Mustard greens are eaten raw, or cooked. Harvest leaves while young and tender. Pick individual leave, or the entire plant. Leaves get tough and have a strong flavor during hot, dry weather.  Mustard seeds should be harvested  when the plants begin to yellow. You want to leave them on the plants as long as possible, but before the pods burst open and spill their seeds.

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