Christmas Advent Activities

Make an ornament, and then give it away to a neighbor

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?  frostbite

Create a snowscape with shaving cream and action figures

Decorate every door in the house

Go to the Library and pick a new holiday book to read

What do snowmen eat for breakfast?  Snowflakes

Blindfold kids and have them guess holiday scents – pine, gingerbread, holly, mistletoe and cinnamon

Write letter to santa

Watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Watch Frosty the Snowman

Look in your lunch for a special treat

Sing Christmas carols

Write a job description for santa’s helpers

Make a gift for your teacher

Write a story together, have each person add a line, round robin

Write a holiday greeting for someone in the armed forces

Go Christmas shopping.  Buy an extra gift and donate it to charity

Create a Christmas drawing, add glitter to make the snow glisten

Put on some holiday music and bake cookies

Create homemade cards for friends and family

What do santa’s elves learn in North Pole school?  The elfabet

Make Christmas puppets and put on a play.

At dinner, describe what you love best about each family member.

Read a Christmas book

Secretly do something nice for someone

Make cinnamon Christmas tree ornaments

Create a Christmas tree from craft sticks, paint and sequins

Have hot chocolate or apple cider and drive around to look at Christmas lights

Make Peppermint Marshmallows

Go Ice Skating

Pack a sack of  non perishable food stuffs and donate to food bank

Make popcorn / cranberry garland for tree

Make or buy a holiday treat for Quincy

Single Jingle Bells, and then try and sing it backwards

Write / Illustrate a holiday story featuring your family

Ring in the season – attach bells to your sneakers, hat, coat or other article of clothing

Convince your family that you’ve been nice, not naughty

Name all 9 reindeer, without singing Rudolph the red nosed reindeer

Wear one red sock and one green sock and see if anyone notices

Is there snow?  Go for a walk in the snow.  Make a snowball and save it in the freezer until next July.

Make a wreath (handprint, edible, floral – whatever you want!)

Watch “The Polar Express”

Make Cardboard Tube Carolers

Create a Pringle Can Nutcracker

Make a snowman votive holder from baby food, olive or mayo jars

Make a felt mitten or gingerbread man garland

Grow a snowflake in a jar with Borax

Design Q-Tip Snowflakes for a window display

Create snow scenes with salt paint or Epsom salts.

What do you call an old snowman?  Water!

What do you have in December that you don’t have in any other month?  The letter D

What goes “Oh, Oh, OH?”  Santa, walking backwards

What do Monkeys sing at Christmas?  Jungle Bells, Jungle Bells

Sample different Christmas Candies, rate and journal them

Go to the zoo – Zoo Lights!

Make a Birdfeeder

Watch Happy Feet, Make a penguin from an old bottle


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