Rhymes and Chants Teach Baby to Transition

Little babies are not big fans of change. In fact, they often have trouble dealing with transitions like going from being warmly and snuggly dressed to being half naked for a diaper change. Singing rhyming songs can help your baby tolerate and even learn to anticipate transitions.


Diaper changes aren’t the only events that can upset a young baby. There are many other such transitions in the course of a regular day, like bath time or getting dressed. Add to that the fact that babies are not exactly patient by nature and you can see why a baby’s day is chock full of stressful times.


Why rhyming and chanting soothes babies

Babies have finely tuned ears and they love to listen to the rhythmic structure of language. By accentuating the rhymes or the sing song quality of a chant you’ll help your baby focus on what’s coming out of your mouth instead of what’s happening to his body.


Rhymes to get through transitions

Rhymes and songs teach babies what to expect next. If you always sing the same diaper changing song, the same bath time song, or even the same “I’m getting your bottle ready” song your baby will soon learn that what she thought was a new and scary event is actually that same old one she’s already been through many times. In fact, she might even learn to look forward to the comforting tunes!


Rhymes as a teaching tool

Rhymes and songs have the added advantage of being a great educational tool that can help you teach your baby her name, her body parts, or common household words. Sure, when she’s at the infant stage she might not take particular note of the lessons you’re sharing, but she’ll be talking sooner than you can possibly imagine and it’s never too early to start giving her the right tools.


Coming up with the perfect rhyme

Don’t consider yourself to be particularly musical or gifted when it comes to making up songs? Don’t worry. You can just take songs you already know and change the words slightly. “Mary had a little lamb” can become “Mommy’s making a little bottle.” The “itsy bitsy spider” can become “the sticky icky diaper.” Let your imagination run wild and have fun; getting giggles out of your baby is always an added bonus!


Rhymes help mommies too

Singing songs and making rhymes doesn’t just help your baby, it can help you too. Hearing your child cry through a diaper change or during a bath can be very stressful. Singing a silly ditty or working to find a soothing rhyme can help distract you and make it possible for you to get past the tough moment.

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