Fly a Kite Day

June 15th is Fly a Kite Day every year, it is held on this day to help honor the anniversary of Benjamin Franklins kite experiment. Kites are a fun pastime for children and adults alike today. Today kites are not your old time fabric and sticks shaped like a diamond, rather there are kits shaped like just about anything. Get a kite and take your children to the park and go fly it.

Many adults love making it a craft project for children to make a kite. Making your own kite is very simple. You take two sticks, one longer than the other, and place the shorter one horizontally across the longer stick. Tie those two sticks together with a string, also adding a dab of glue will make sure the joint is even stronger. Then cut a notch at the end of all the sticks, and take a string and stretch it all around the kite frame. Then get some material and lay it down, and then place the kite frame on top of the material. Then cut the material out in the shape of the frame, leaving a few inches on the side to bend over the string and glue or tape down, but be sure the material it tight. Then you can cut another piece of string and tie one end to the loops at each end of the kite. Then you need to make a tail for your kite, simply tie small ribbons every so often along the length of the sting, and attach this to the bottom loop on the kite. You know have a kite, go out and fly it!

Kites a common staple when the weather is warm and there are open spaces and it’s a breezy day. Children and adults seem to love flying kites, no matter what shape or size they are. I remember always going to the beach to fly a kite, I loved it, running down the beach so the wind would catch the kite and then just sit there and watch it go higher and higher, those were the best days.

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