Shaving Cream Paintings

Try a different kind of finger painting.


• shaving cream
• newspaper
• powdered tempera paint or watercolor (optional)
• washable surface such as plastic table or high chair tray

Seat your child at a table (or in her high chair) and spread newspaper on the floor — this is messy! You might want to have your child wear old clothes or only a diaper. Squirt shaving cream on the table and encourage your child to touch it. While many children are eager to start playing, some toddlers are reluctant to touch unfamiliar textures or things that look too messy.  As your child spreads around the shaving cream, talk about what she is doing. Can you draw any shapes? Are there big swirls? Little dots? How does the shaving cream feel?   If you have some, sprinkle powdered tempera paint or watercolor onto the shaving cream. Observe with your child how the color gets spreads through the white shaving cream. If you use more than one color, watch how they mix together.  Finally, ask your child to help you use a damp washcloth or paper towels to clean up.

• develops motor skills
• provides sensory stimulation
• supports vocabulary development
• encourages observation

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