Prepper Terms, Slang & Acronyms

vintage-prepper-encyclopediaShamelessly Stolen from a site, copied into a word doc without attributing, and now posting here, with a few changes, removals and additions but not enough to ward off plagiarism charges!  I need to see if I can find where it came from so I can properly credit the author.  Truthfully, since this site is set to discourage Google from indexing, and I haven’t “advertised” this anywhere; it’s unlikely anyone but me will actually ever use this as a resource.  Still, I should do it Right.

Prepping Terms and Slang

  • #10 can (noun): Specially formulated for long term food storage, a #10 can is approximately 7 x 6-1/4 inches. The specification refers to the
    can’s physical size and does not measure the can’s contents,  which may vary
  • 550 Cord: Paracord
  • 72 Hour Kit: Similar to a bug out bag – basically a kit full of emergency supples often carried in a backpack or some other easily carried container like a suitcase to help one person survive for a period of 72 hours.
  • Berkey (noun). A “Big Berkey” water filtration system is a name brand for a popular gravity fed water filtration system that looks a bit like a
    coffee urn. A berkey can remove fluoride and other toxins.
    At some point, every preppers should own a gravity-fed water purification system, and this is the one to own.
  • C-Ration: Combat ration
  • Carrington Event: A natural EMP type of event, caused by a large coronal mass ejection (CME) of the sun.
  • Collapse Event: Any event that results in TEOTWAWKI.
  • Desiccant: A small package containing a hygroscopic substance that is used to draw out and hold moisture from the package that they are included in. Often included in food packaging to retain crispness and may help increase shelf life. People often mistakenly call these little packages “oxygen absorbers”.
  • Doomsday: This is a common term that many preppers use when referring to the day when a major breakdown in civilized society occurs which is brought on by any number of events.
  • Doomsday Prepper: Someone who spends time preparing for a major event that results in TEOTWAWKI.
  • Doomstead: Synonymous with a survival retreat.
  • Dutch Oven: Very versatile cooking pot made of cast iron. It is most often used for cooking on a fire instead of a traditional oven.
  • Faraday Cage: A shielding enclosure to protect electronics from electromagnetic pulses.
  • Food Grade Bucket: Food grade buckets marked HDPE 2.  Food grade buckets are white buckets made specifically for food storage. They will help store food for upwards of 25-years, keeping food airtight, safe and dry. Food grade buckets must be marked as such, otherwise they may contain chemicals which could leach into food.
  • Force Multiplier: A capability that, when added to and employed by a combat force, significantly increases the combat potential of that force and thus enhances the probability of a successful mission accomplishment.
  • Freeze Dried Food: Food that has been dehydrated for the purpose of preserving it by freezing it in a vacuum.
  • Gamma Lid: An air tight lid for 5 gallon bucket style food grade containers.
  • Gasifier: A device that is capable of converting wood chips to combustible gas that can be used as fuel for an internal combustion engine.
  • GO Bag: Synonymous with bug out bag.
  • Grid (noun). The framework of our electrical grid. It is the entire network of energy delivery electricity and communications by means of high tension lines. The grid is responsible for electricity, communications, food distribution, running water and toilets.
  • Hard Money: Money that is either redeemable into precious metals, or issued in the form of various precious metals.
  • Head: Slang for a toilet.
  • Heirloom Seeds: Non-Hybrid seeds that can be planted and replanted after every harvest.  These are open-pollinated seeds, but not all open-pollinated seeds are heirlooms.  Heirloom is a designation of specific types of plants grown by our anscestors.
  • Hydroponics: A method of growing plants in water instead of soil.
  • Junk Silver: Coins that have little or no numismatic value but still have a high silver content.
  • Kelly Kettle (noun). Kelly Kettle is the trade name for a chimney style kettle intended for rapid boiling. It’s also called a Benghazi boiler, Ghillie Kettle, Storm Kettle, Thermette or Volcano Kettle. Kelly Kettles use natural occurring fuels such as sticks and dry grass. They are ultra light boil water very rapidly. A Kelly Kettle is made of durable heat-conductive metal, usually of aluminum or stainless steel. You can do small batch, quick cooking (reheating) with a kit designed to be used with a Kelly Kettle.
  • Looters: People who haven’t prepared for emergencies who steal from others who have or steal from stores, business, vehicles, or other buildings.
  • Mall Ninja: Someone that values style and appearance over substance.
  • Martial Law: According to – “The imposition of the highest-ranking military officer as the military governor or as the head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.”
  • Multi-Tool: A handy tool that contains many tools in one convenient unit – Similar to the popular Swiss Army knife.
  • Mylar Bags: Food grade bags made out of space age aluminum material which are used for long term food storage with the addition of oxygen absorbers or desiccants.
  • Oxygen Absorbers: Also known as “oxygen scavengers”. They are small packages that are added to pull oxygen out of a sealed container for long term food storage. This item is often mistakenly confused with desiccant packs.
  • paracord (noun): Paracord is cordage of specially braided sheath made of a durable, lightweight nylon kern-mantle rope (the same material found in a parachute chord). This general purpose utility cord  is  often braided into a bracelet with other multi-purpose tools to be used in case of emergency.
  • Peak Oil: Used to describe a time when the world’s oil supplies will go into a state of irreversible decline.
  • Pollyanna: A person who is in denial that TEOTWAWKI could actually occur and yet they remain unusually optimistic, even when presented with compelling evidence to the contrary.
  • Power Grid: The infrastructure that is built and maintained by local power companies for the purpose of delivering electricity to homes and businesses.
  • Preps: This is slang for the things that preppers have stockpiled or things preppers have done to prepare to be able to survive a major catastrophe.
  • Retreat: A place of refuge that is prepared in advance by preppers. Usually in lightly-populated rural areas. Sometimes referred to as bug out locations.
  • “Rule of Three” (phrase). A prepping term to describe how humans can live only three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. Preppers and survivalists have expanded the
    definition to include shelter (humans can live only three hours of  harsh weather exposure without shelter).
  • Seed Bank: A stockpile of seeds to be used after a doomsday scenario takes place.
  • Sheeple: People who blindly follow the majority of a population and are in denial about a possible breakdown in civilized society.  People herded like sheep by the Government. These people don’t question authority, they don’t prep, and they will be among the first to die in uncertain times.
  • Shelf Life: The useful life of product in home storage such as food storage or medical supplies.
  • Solar Flares: Similar to CME – an ejection of sun particles in the form of radiation.
  • Solar Heater: A device that is designed to heat a room or heat water by harnessing the power of the sun.
  • Solar Oven: A solar cooker is constructed of a highly reflective surface to harness the energy of the sun for the purpose of cooking or warming food.
  • Survival Cache: A hidden supply of emergency supplies – often stored in an air-tight and waterproof container.
  • Survival Seeds: Also known as heirloom or non-GMO seeds.
  • The Crunch: Another term used to describe WTSHTF.
  • Troll: Someone who intentionally posts disruptive or controversial messages in an online forum with the goal of simply causing an argument or chaos.
  • Vacuum Sealer: A device that is designed to remove all of the oxygen in a plastic or Mylar bag that is used for the purpose of extending the shelf life of food storage staples.
  • Zombie: The name for the unprepared and often aggressive looters and marauders who will want to take what you have stockpiled.  In short, Zombies are the unfortunate people who did not plan or prepare for a sideways world when WTSHTF. They are a direct threat to the security of Preppers because they will be desperate and will attack for food, water and supplies. They will look much like the zombies portrayed in movies. For example, they will appear famished as they not have eaten, and they will appear with scabs and wounds of infection because they have not had proper medical care.  Zombies are the “undead” and a very real concern.

Prepping Acronyms

  • ABAO: All bets are off
  • ARC: American Red Cross
  • ASAP: As soon as possible
  • BIB: Bug in bag
  • BOB: Bug out bag or bug out bracelet
  • BOL: Bug out location
  • BOV: Bug out vehicle
  • BSTS: Better safe than sorry
  • CCW: Carrying concealed weapon
  • CB: Citizens Band Radio
  • CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • CME: Coronal mass ejection
  • CQB: Close quarters battle
  • CYA: Cover your assets or cover your a**
  • DHS: Department of Homeland Security
  • DLP: Defense of life and property
  • DOD: Department of Defense
  • EAS: Emergency alert system
  • EBS: Emergency broadcast system
  • EDC: Every day carry (meaning the things that a prepper carries with them on a day to day basis)
  • ELE: Extinction level event
  • EMP: Electromagnetic pulse
  • EOD: End of days
  • EOT: End of times
  • EOTW: End of the world
  • EROL: Excessive rule of law
  • ESP: Extended stay pack
  • FAK: First aid kit
  • FD: Fire department
  • FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • FUBAR: F’d up beyond all recognition
  • FUD: Fear, uncertainty, and doubt
  • FWIW: For what it’s worth
  • GDE: Grid down event
  • GH: Golden Horde meaning looters and marauders that will venture out of the city into the surrounding rural areas during a major crisis.
  • GHB: Get home bag
  • GMV: Genetically modified virus
  • GOOD: Get out of dodge
  • GPS: Global positioning system
  • HAM: Home amateur radio
  • HAZMAT: Hazardous material
  • HDPE: High density polyethylene – used to manufacture containers in order to take advantage of its exceptional protective barrier abilities. Most 5 gallon “food grade” buckets are manufactured from a form of HDPE known as HDPE 2. Make sure that any container you store food in is actually labeled “food grade” and not just HDPE 2.
  • HEMP: High altitude electromagnetic pulse
  • IFAK: Individual first aid kit
  • IMO: In my opinion
  • INCH: I’m never coming home
  • INCHK: I’m never coming home kit
  • KISS: Keep it simple stupid
  • LOS: Line of site
  • LP: Listening post
  • LTFS: Long term food storage
  • LTS: Long term shelter
  • MAD: Mutually assured destruction
  • MAG: Mutual aid group – people who meet for the purpose of discussing ideas and planning for emergencies in their area.
  • MOE: Measures of effectiveness
  • MOI: Mechanism of injury
  • MRE: Meals ready to eat – prepackaged food and water rations usually issued to military personnel but also often stockpiled by preppers and survivalists.
  • MSM: Mainstream media
  • MZB: Mutant zombie bikers – a general term used to describe thugs and looters.
  • NINJA: No income no job or assets
  • NVD: Night vision device
  • NWO: New World Order – according to, “As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government”.
  • OP: Observation post, original post, or original poster
  • OPSEC: Operations security
  • OTG: Off the grid
  • PD: Police department
  • PERK: Personal emergency relocation kit
  • PFAK: Personal first aid kit
  • POI: Point of impact
  • PSK: Personal survival kit
  • PTSD: Post traumatic stress disorder
  • RCS: Rainwater collection system
  • SAR: Search and rescue
  • SCARE: Social chaos and response emergency
  • SERE: Survival, evasion, resistance, and escape
  • SF: Solar flare
  • SFWF: Shelter, fire, water, and food – listed in the order of importance according to the beliefs of most survivalists.
  • SHTF: S**t hits the fan
  • SOP: Standard operating procedure
  • TEOTWAWKI (pronounced “tee-ought-walk-ee”) : The end of the world as we know it
  • TPTB: The powers that be
  • WROL: Without rule of law
  • WTSHTF: When the s**t hits the fan
  • YOYO: You’re on your own